Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Configuring a Measure

Drag the standard Measure tool into reports to add additional measures.


  1. Drag the standard measure tool.
  2. Select a function:
    • Count
    • Sum
    • Average
    • Standard Deviation
  3. Click into the Source field and use the generic selector to choose the database column that the function will be performed on.
  4. To add a filter to the measure, clear the default <Report Filter> text by clicking the cross icon. Click the drop-down arrow to display an area into which you can drag and drop filters from the Data Explorer, or click the Add button to build up the filter from Create new menu. For example:

  5. Select the required number format using the numeric format helper.
  6. To save the measure as a template, right-click and select Save as Template from the context menu.
  7. Continue configuring the report.

What to do next

Multiple measures can be added to a chart allowing the user to compare results. The Visible check box is intended for use with calculated measures where one measure might be used by another, but would not be displayed on its own in the final report. In this case, you must clear the Visible check box.

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